19th Century Electric Taxis
19th Century Electric Taxis PUBLISHED 15 2024 By M.k.karikalsozhan Blog Reporter   Introduced in London in 1897 by the London Electrical Cab Company, the Bersey Electric Cab was the city's first self-propelled taxi. Developed by Walter Bersey, these distinctive black and yellow vehicles were powered by a Johnson-Lundell electric motor with a 40-cell lead-acid battery, offering a range of 48-56 km and a top speed of 12 mph. Nicknamed "hummingbirds" due to their unique sound, the Bersey cabs initially gained popularity but faced operational challenges. Their heavy weight caused significant wear on batteries and tyres, leading to frequent breakdowns and high maintenance costs. Coupled with the high cost of electricity, these issues ultimately led to their withdrawal from service by 1899. [1] **David A. Kirsch, "The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History" (Rutgers University Press, 2000), pp. 33-34.** [2] **John F. Bromley, "London Tr...